Course Curriculum

NGY Basics

  • 01

    Welcome to NGY's Basics Course

    • Welcome to NGY Basics with Amy Lee, NGY Owner + CEO

    • NGY Basics Training Manual

  • 02

    Meet Your NGY Trainers

    • Meet Candace

    • Meet Rachel

    • Meet Sarah

  • 03

    What Is Yoga?

    • What is Yoga?

    • What is Yoga?

  • 04

    The NGY Method + Sequence

    • The NGY Method + Sequence

    • NGY Method + Sequence

    • Breathing Exercises

    • Breathing Exercises

    • Traditional Yoga Poses - Warm Up and Cool Down`

    • Traditional Yoga Poses - The Body

    • Meditation + Mindfulness

    • Meditation + Mindfulness

    • Chanting + Vocalization

    • Chanting + Vocalization

    • Creative Movement

    • Learning Points

    • Learning Points

    • Visualizations

    • Visualizations

    • Sensory Integration

    • Fun Stuff: Books

    • Fun Stuff: Books

    • Fun Stuff: Books 2

    • Fun Stuff: Crafts

    • Fun Stuff: Crafts

    • Fun Stuff: Music

    • Fun Stuff: Music

    • NGY Method + Sequence for Animal Kingdom Lesson Plan

  • 05

    Kids' Anatomy

    • Kids' Anatomy

    • Kids' Anatomy

  • 06

    Child Development + Bringing Out the Best

    • Child Development

    • Child Development

    • Bringing Out the Best

    • Bringing Out the Best - Having Success as a Kids Yoga Teacher

  • 07

    Tools, Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

    • Pre-Teaching

    • Lesson Plan Topics

    • Lesson Plan Topics

    • Books for Teachers

    • Books for Teachers

    • Props

    • Games

    • Partner Poses

    • Yoga + Music Routines

    • Yoga + Music Routines

    • Sun Craft + Sun Dance

    • Make a Paper Sun + Sun Salutation Dance

    • Visualized Meditations

    • Visualized Meditations

    • Animal Yoga

    • Animal Yoga

  • 08

    YOU are a Kids Yoga Entrepreneur

    • Your Kids Yoga Business

    • Your Kids Yoga Business

  • 09

    Demo Classes

    • A Day at the Beach for 2-7 Year Olds

    • A Day at the Beach (2020 Remix)

    • Animal Kingdom

    • Animal Kingdom

    • Restorative Yoga

    • Restorative Yoga (2-7 & 8-13)

  • 10

    Getting Your Certification

    • Lesson Plan Theme Homework

    • Children's Books Homework

    • Songs for Kids Yoga + Mindfulness Homework

    • Props Homework

    • Write Your Own Lesson Plan

  • 11

    Thank you and Closing

    • Thank you and Congratulations from Amy Lee

    • Special Offers on NGY Resources just for YOU!